Trio Scholars Program All Staff

"We strive to give our students the tools and support to achieve success at UC Davis and beyond."

-TRiO Scholars Program (SSS) Staff 

TRiO Staff

Anna Martinez

Anna Martinez

  • Director
  • TRiO Scholars Program

The best part of my job is working for our TRiO Scholars and ensuring that they get the support and resources needed so that their education can transform their lives and communities. We have built a team that is committed and passionate about TRiO Scholars and providing top notch services to our students.

Ilda Ortega-Gomez

Ilda Ortega-Gomez

  • Program Advisor
  • TRiO Scholars Program

I am excited to bridge our TRiO Scholars to opportunity and success because I know the influences social equity programs like TRiO do for students. As an Upward Bound alumna, I experienced having the opportunity to access tons of great resources, community and personal development. I hope our program can offer students from marginalized backgrounds an opportunity to excel in higher education and a space for advocacy. As an East Oakland native, I also experienced many socioeconomic hardships but with the support of peer mentors, advisors and family, I rose above it and made it my goal to one day give back to my loving communities.

Courtney White

Courtney White

  • Administrative Coordinator
  • TRiO Scholars Program

The holistic support the TRiO program provides helps equip students academically with motivation, encouragement and resources. Being able to provide support and assistance to our Staff, Peer Advisors as well as our TRiO students, is a true honor.

TRiO Student Staff

Lailaah Shakur

Yellow Group: Lailaah Shakur

I’m excited to be able to make such a positive impact on students. I’m looking forward to engaging with them in a way that improves their academic journey. I feel as though students need a lot of support when transitioning throughout higher education and I feel that TRIO has the resources to do so.

Shireen Gul

Red Group: Shireen Gul

Starting with my involvement in the Upward Bound program during high school, I received invaluable support with college applications and advising. As a TRiO Scholar at UC Davis, I have continued to benefit from comprehensive guidance in navigating campus resources, academics, and social connections. These experiences, along with my background as a first-generation college student from a low-income family, have inspired me to give back to my community. My goal is to serve as a role model for incoming TRiO scholars, and these meaningful opportunities have ultimately led me to become a TRiO Peer Advisor.

Saira Guevara

Green Group: Saira Guevara

I am really excited to be coming into TRiO as a Peer Advisor for the new school year. As a first generation student myself, I hope to be able to help and give advice to TRiO scholars to help them navigate UC Davis. TRiO as a program really stands out to me because of its foundational beliefs and a program which I wish I had growing up to help navigate my way through college. As a third year student I want to be able to serve the community which I see myself in and make TRiO scholars experience at UC Davis a great one. 

Jennifer Garcia Montes

Blue Group: Jennifer Garcia Montes

I feel honored to be part of such an impactful program and excited to see what the year as instore for the team. Having the ability to give back to these students and help them navigate through their time at UC Davis is very heartwarming to me. My goal is to provide these students with welcoming environment to all these students and guide them through such a impactful time as much as I can.