Register for a Connection

Connections in this category focus on artistic expression and pop-culture interests. Learn more about each below and follow the instructions under each Connection to register.



A Whole New World: UC Davis & Disney

Join us each week for an unforgettable magic carpet ride as we discuss themes from Disney movies that relate to your experience at UC Davis. We understand that UC Davis is not such a small world after all, and we look forward to making it a place where all your dreams really do come true! 

Members of this Connection will be introduced to topics that support student success as well as personal growth and development in the first year, with a sprinkle of pixie dust and Disney magic each week. 

Participant input will be strongly encouraged to generate topics and movies for weekly session. For example, we may consider lessons from Toy Story or Lilo and Stitch about finding community in your new home. Movies like Mulan and Hercules have something to teach us about working hard in this new academic environment. The movies Tangled, Up, and Moana demonstrate the importance of stepping out of your comfort zone and being open to new experiences. And the importance of accepting our emotions and managing our mental and physical wellbeing as new college students has parallels with the movies Inside Out and Soul. 

Disney lovers unite! 

  • Day/Time/Location: Thursdays (10:00-10:50AM); Hunt 166
  • Format: in-person, on-campus
  • Registration: This Connection is non-credit and open to all new students (first-year freshman, transfer, and international students). Register for "A Whole New World" in AggieLife. 

Aggie Cabaret Night

Calling all new Aggies who are interested in the performing arts! You don't have to pursue a Theatre & Dance or Music major at UC Davis to find an outlet for creative expression. In this Connection, students will participate in a weekly cabaret night. Participants are invited to perform in a variety of ways - acting, singing, playing an instrument, or dancing. Weekly performance is not mandatory, nor is any prior experience. Students who want to treat this as a stress-relief night of weekly showtunes can enjoy just as much as those who wish to prepare a piece in advance.

Members of this Connection will be introduced to students and staff who participate in the Davis and UC Davis performing arts communities, including student leaders from Studio 301 at UC Davis, advisors from the Departments of Music and Theatre & Dance, and student actors at Woodland Opera House. Participants will also be connected with the academic resources that will enable them to succeed in performing arts majors and minors, if they so choose.

Participant input will be strongly encouraged to generate topics for weekly session. For example, we may consider hearing from a panel of upper division undergrads who can provide first-hand information and perspective about performing arts majors and minors. We'll also have the opportunity for some sessions to be structured around a topical theme or artist of interest (e.g., resilience in the face of oppression, the works of Stephen Sondheim, etc.).

  • Day/Time/Location: Wednesdays (5:10-6:00PM); 1022 Green Hall
  • Format: in-person, on-campus
  • Registration: This Connection is non-credit and open to all new students (first-year freshman, transfer, and international students). Register for "Aggie Cabaret Night" in AggieLife. 

Aggie K-Pop Connection

If you love K-Pop or just want to learn more, join us in community to discuss our favorite groups, culture, activism, and more. We'll sprinkle a little bit of everything from K-Pop history to recent music releases. We'll examine some of the political and social dynamics of K-Pop culture and it's implications. We might even make some TikToks, learn dances, decorate photocard holders, and do some photocard trading. We'll be serious but mostly fun. 

  • Day/Time/Location: Tuesdays (3:10-4:00PM); Student Community Center, Meeting Room D
  • Format: in-person, on-campus
  • Registration: This Connection is non-credit and open to all new students (first-year freshman, transfer, and international students). Register for "Aggie K-Pop Connection" in AggieLife.

Crafting to Calm: Gone Wild!

This Connection is an opportunity to take an hour out of your week to relax and de-stress by doing fun and EASY crafts. Throughout the quarter you will explore different craft forms, but with a twist! All our crafts will be nature/animal themed or related, and we will enjoy some of our meeting times crafting outdoors. From painting outside to collecting flowers to create collage art, we will create many fun projects. By joining this Connection you will learn how to use crafting as a form of self-care, you will find community, gain crafting experience, and spend some time outside. This Connection is open to all people of all crafting levels. Beginners, experts, and non-experienced crafters are all welcome!

  • Day/Time/Location: Wednesdays (11:00-11:50am), 114 South Hall 
  • Format: in-person, on-campus
  • Registration: This Connection is non-credit and open to all new students (first-year freshman, transfer, and international students). Register for "Crafting to Calm" in AggieLife. 

Game Design, Level Up

This is a game design group for beginners. Over the course of a quarter, participants will create three small game design projects. No previous experience in game development or art is required to participate. This Connection will introduce students to easy-to-use game engines, as well as related activities and classes to participate in while at UC Davis. Participants will also gain valuable transferrable tech skills like file management, keyboard shortcuts and using browsers effectively. Come level up! 

  • Day/Time/Location: Wednesdays (1:10-2:00PM); Cruess 1106
  • Format: in-person, on-campus
  • Registration: This Connection is non-credit and open to all new students (first-year freshman, transfer, and international students). Register for "Game Design, Level Up" in AggieLife. 

In Harmony: Music at Davis

If music is your passion and you're interested in finding out more about the music scene at UC Davis, this Connection is for you! This is an inclusive experience open to all music lovers, musicians and non-musicians alike. Together we'll learn about opportunities to get involved in the variety of music ensembles, clubs, and personal music pursuits while at UC Davis. We have student clubs like the Video Game Orchestra and Side C Album Club. The Mondavi center brings so much talent to campus, and the town of Davis and its surroundings offer a rich music scene with live shows of many genres. Come meet other music lovers and take a break from academics with your peers.

  • Day/Time/Location: Wednesdays (4:10-5:00PM); 121 Olson Hall
  • Format: in-person, on-campus
  • Registration: This Connection is non-credit and open to all new students (first-year freshman, transfer, and international students). Register for "In Harmony" in AggieLife. 

Life Lessons with Uncle Iroh

Yip yip, Aggiebenders! Join us on an adventure through the Avatar universe as we explore truth, growth, relationships, purpose, and hope. As Aang and the rest of the Avatar team struggle to understand who they are, we too will dive into discovering values to live by and the identities we hold. How do you face your fears and turn them into motivation? How do you bend to truth so that it doesn’t bend you? How do you persevere through the storms of life? The world feels divided as the four nations in Avatar once were, but we have the power to make the best of our circumstances and live with purpose and with others. Building a more unified world starts with you.

  • Day/Time/Location: Wednesdays (3:10-4:00pm); 121 Olson Hall
  • Format: in-person, on-campus
  • Registration: This Connection is non-credit and open to all new students (first-year freshman, transfer, and international students). Register for "Life Lessons with Uncle Iroh" in AggieLife. 

Nailed It! Nail art for beginners

In this Connection, you'll have the opportunity to tap into your creative side and master the basics of nail art in our engaging and fun weekly meetings! Perfect for all skill levels, this Connection will cover a new topic each week, including nail preparation, painting techniques, and simple yet stunning designs. Whether you're a complete novice or looking to refine your skills, join us to explore the vibrant world of nail art and create your own masterpieces. All materials are provided, and all are welcome to bring their own supplies as well.

  • Day/Time/Location: Wednesdays (4:10-5:30); 114 South Hall
  • Format: in-person, on-campus
  • Registration: This Connection is non-credit and open to all new students (first-year freshman, transfer, and international students). Register for "Nailed It!" in AggieLife. 

UC Davis Swifties

Let's talk music, theories and everything else Taylor Swift! During the quarter we will move through all of the eras and discuss any new music that comes out along the way. This Connection is an opportunity to get to know other Aggies through music and make connections to campus along the way.

  • Day/Time/Location: Thursdays (3:10-4:00PM); Regan Main (Segundo Housing Area)
  • Format: in-person, on-campus
  • Registration: This Connection is non-credit and open to all new students (first-year freshman, transfer, and international students). Register for "UC Davis Swifties" in AggieLife. 

What’s Your Story? Coaxing Out Your Inner Writer!

Curious about what kind of story you might tell? Got a story that’s tapping at you to get out? Join this connection and get that story on the page. Open to first year students (with special encouragement for EOP, first generation, undocumented, writers of color, LGBTQIA, and transfer students), this FYAC invites you to come write your story. Join two campus creative writers who will lead you through drafting and revising your unique story. As a group, we will meet weekly, do some writing exercises, discuss what we want to get out of the day’s writing, shut up and write, and support each other--encouraging us all to write on! When the weather permits, we’ll venture outdoors and write surrounded by the natural beauty of our campus. The quarter will culminate in a class reading, during which you will have an opportunity to read part of your story to an audience. You do not need to have any previous creative writing experience to participate in this FYAC, just enthusiasm for practicing creative writing and willingness to try!

  • Day/Time/Location: Tuesdays (3:10-4:00PM); 1328 Hart Hall
  • Format: in-person, on-campus
  • Registration: This Connection is non-credit and open to all new students (first-year freshman, transfer, and international students). Register for "What's Your Story?" in AggieLife.