Connection registration is now closed!

Connections in this category go beyond major, minor and academic disciplines. Learn more about each below and follow the instructions under each Connection to register.


Aggies Talk Tox

Hosted by the Environmental Toxicology advising team, this connection invites students to explore exciting opportunities for research, careers, social justice and more through ETOX! Students will meet other new first-year and current students in the ETOX major and minor while also connecting with department faculty and ETOX related professionals from around the Sacramento area.

This group is open to ALL first year students interested in Environmental Toxicology

  • Day/Time/Location: Tuesdays (12:10-1:00PM); 4206 Meyer Hall 
  • Format: in-person, on-campus, alternating weeks
  • Registration:  Registration for this Connection is now CLOSED. 

Choosing a Health Profession

Interested in a healthcare career in the future, but unsure of which one? We will cover what you can do throughout your time at UC Davis to explore health professions and be a successful pre-health student! This group will provide an overview of multiple health professions, including career options, pre-reqs, gaining experiences, applying for programs, and more. 

  • Day/Time/Location: Tuesdays (1:10-2:00pm), Health Professions Advising Building, 1090 Blue Ridge Road, Room 119
  • Format: in-person, on-campus
  • Registration:  Registration for this Connection is now CLOSED. 

Gals and Pals in Engineering

[FRS 3 – 011: Navigating Challenges as a Woman in Engineering]

Become the engineer you imagined yourself to be! Build your social capital in engineering by finding your circle of friends, mentors, and allies in this first-year aggie connection. We will help you create a sense of belonging as a woman engineer while learning about and finding potential solutions to challenges facing women engineers along the way. Join our weekly study nights and work on your science and engineering courses together! We hope this Aggie Connection experience will help you become a better and more confident woman engineer.

  • Day/Time/Location: Thursdays (10:00-10:50AM); Olson 144
  • Format: in-person, on-campus
  • Registration:  Registration for this Connection is now CLOSED. 

Pre-Veterinary: Path to Success

Are you interested in working with animals or becoming a veterinarian? Join our Pre-Vet FYAC to learn more about the pathway to veterinary school. You will learn about veterinary school requirements, experiences and resources available to you at UCD. There will be a combination of guest speakers and discussions.

  • Day & Time: Thursdays (5:10-6:00pm); 1010 Valley Hall
  • Format: in-person, on-campus
  • Registration: Registration for this Connection is now CLOSED. 

We Search Research

Are you interested in beginning the process of finding a research position at UC Davis? Don’t know where or how to start? Did you know that you DO NOT need research experience to engage in research at UC Davis? This First-Year Aggie Connection will focus on preparing and walking you through each step of the research search process. Looking for research opportunities can take significant time and effort and we are committed to helping you through this journey. Join us for guidance through each step of the research search process with the goal of securing a research position for you to engage in. ALL MAJORS ARE WELCOME.

Topics to be covered included (1) identifying research areas of interest, (2) identifying faculty members, labs and/or other opportunities that match your areas of interest, (3) developing a resume and cover letter for the specific positions you are interested in, (4) emailing faculty members to set up interviews, (5) mock interviews and so much more!

This interactive First-Year Aggie Connection is hosted in partnership with the Undergraduate Research Center, we hope you will join us!

  • Day/Time/Location: Wednesdays (10:00-10:50AM); Student Community Center (conference room E)
  • Format: in-person, on-campus
  • Registration:  Registration for this Connection is now CLOSED.