Connection registration is now closed!

Connections in this category focus on personal wellness and holistic development. Learn more about each below and follow the instructions under each Connection to register.

Career Exploration - Your Future Self Will Thank You

You’re probably planning on eventually graduating from college, but then what? It’s never too early to begin exploring future career possibilities! Your first-year is an ideal time for self-discovery and creating a foundation for what comes next. Join this Aggie Connection and learn more about how your natural talents, interests, and personality are connected to majors and career possibilities. You will learn about online and campus resources to learn more careers related to your major. All are welcome as this is an inclusive experience for those of you with defined career goals AND those with future career goals that are still very much unknown. Join us as we help you envision what your future could look like!

  • Day & Time: Mondays (4:10-5:00PM); Shasta Multipurpose Room (Cuarto residential area) 
  • Format: in-person, on-campus
  • Registration:  Registration for this Connection is now CLOSED. 


Crafting to Calm

Looking for a fun, relaxing way to unwind each week? This Connection is your chance to take a break, de-stress, and tap into your creative side with easy, exciting crafts! Throughout the quarter, we’ll explore different craft styles, from painting to collages, all while working towards a large class project. Whether we’re crafting or going on a fun fieldtrip, you'll enjoy a variety of fun activities. Plus, you’ll discover how crafting can be a great form of self-care, meet new people, and get a break from classes. No experience needed – this Connection is for everyone, whether you’re a total beginner or a crafting pro. Come for the fun, stay for the creativity!

  • Day/Time/Location: Tuesdays (2:10-3:00pm), 114 South Hall 
  • Format: in-person, on-campus
  • Registration:  Registration for this Connection is now CLOSED. 

Let’s Get Crafty

Let's get crafty! This Connection is an opportunity to learn introductory crafting techniques. Throughout the quarter we will spend time on different types of crafts. Based on participant feedback and interest, we have the possibility to cover sewing, and/or crochet. While crafting, we will discuss different topics such as the importance of crafting as a form of self-care and self-expression, how to craft on a budget, and the connection between crafting and identity exploration. Additionally, participants will learn where the Craft Center is and how to access it during their time at UC Davis.

  • Day & Time: Mondays (4:10-5:00pm); 114 South Hall
  • Format: in-person, on-campus
  • Registration:  Registration for this Connection is now CLOSED. 

Procrastination to Progress: Better Habits for Winter Quarter

Feeling like your fall quarter didn't exactly go as planned and there's room for improvement? This group is a great next step if you're looking to take more control of your academics and personal life and do more thriving in winter quarter. If you're ready to make some gains around productivity, procrastination, motivation, goal setting, and study strategies, join us! 

This group might be right for you if you want to: 
• Work through procrastination and harness your motivators
• Set priorities, establish and maintain new habits, and balance commitments
• Better follow your weekly schedule and/or daily to-do list
• Sharpen your focus and concentration and increase your productivity
• Study smarter, not harder, and improve your note taking, reading, and review strategies
• Improve your performance on exams, including better managing test-induced anxiety

We'll approach these topics as a way to normalize some of the struggles new students inevitably face when transitioning to UC Davis. Along with increased self awareness and new strategies for growth, we'll also prioritize social time in our weekly meetings, because being a college student should also be fun! 

  • Day/Time/Location: Thursdays (1:10-2:00PM); 121 Olson Hall
  • Format: in-person, on-campus
  • Registration:  Registration for this Connection is now CLOSED. 

Strive to Thrive in 2025

Coming to college can be hard, especially with so much changing around you! Are you finishing up your first quarter at UC Davis and feeling like there's room for improvement? This connection is centered on strategies for doing more thriving and embracing who we are personally, academically, and in community with others. We'll incorporate themes around personal development, including goal setting, time management, financial management, mental wellness and stress reduction, job searching, and physical well-being (nutrition/sleep/exercise). 

We’ll discuss and implement actionable steps for moving forward into a new year with an expanded toolkit for whole-person wellness. Each meeting will include a brief overview of that session's topic and interactive group discussions. Come prepared to have fun, learn from one another, and set yourself up for reduced stress and greater success your second quarter at UC Davis. 

  • Day/Time/Location: Thursdays (3:10-4:00PM); 121 Olson Hall
  • Format: in-person, on-campus
  • Registration:  Registration for this Connection is now CLOSED.